An Aeon student and Sepack Takraw player, Masahiro Miyajima aka Miyazy will move to China, Shanghai soon. He will start to work there from April. Now he is going to Shanghai to find his living place. For last a few years, he had been to China for business many times. So, for his company, China seems to have a great business chance. At last, the company decides to send a staff staying there to China.
I heard that their original plan was a little later. But, maybe due to the speedy change of their business situation, he is going to Shangahi soon.
Because his contirbution on Atsugi was big, the lost of Miyajima must damage Atsugi community. We have to endure for a while. But for Shanghai, this is a good news. Also in Shanghai, he will contribute on the city.
Although many Japanese companies are going to economically growing China, Japanese publishing industry I belong to is not so possitive to enhance their bussiness to China. Because our business is basically based on the guarantee of the right of freedom of speech, many companies might think the business in China is still risky.
However, it is the fact that some Chinese companies are inviting Japanese publishing companies and bookstores to work with them in China. In the future, like other indutries, Japanese working in the publishing industry will have the chance to work in China.
My last visit of China was when? I forgot it. Long time no China.
Miyajima's moving is a good chance for me and other Atsugi people to visit China again.