After the quake, I feel a kind of new unification is emerging in my country. People realize we have to help each other to protect themselves. Share the resource. Don't monopolize it. Donate for the victims. Contribute to their recovery.
This movement is very strong. On the every corners of the city, we can watch the donation in Japan. As usual in this season, Aeon students in Atsugi have a cherry blossom party in the student Koji's house. This year, some portions of the participant fee is used for the donation.
One reason of this kind of movement is the weekness of our government.
Unfortunately the government of Democratic Party of Japan is amateur, amateur and amateur. They can't handle this situation. However, fortunately Japanese looks matured. They know how to handle useless bosses. Maybe they are trained this kind of skill in their work place. I am happy to know we Japanese are very calm even in this bad situation.
last weekend, I joined the discussion class in Aeon. The teacher Sudhan gave us a interesting episode about the day of the earthquake. He was in a building in Tokyo, with many Japanese and many foreigners. When and after the quake happened, all Japanese stayed in the building, but most foreigners went out from the building.
The difference of their behavior was due to the difference of the trust to the strength of the building. It was a funny difference.
Now, this difference occurs in the attitude to the nuclear problem, I think. I want to keep the room in my heart to enjoy this difference.