The word Geisha is well known and they are still existing in Japan. But Taikomochi (formaly; Hokan) is not known so much.
These day, I am studying what it is, and I am very interested in their work and history.
The man in this photo is Mr. Tamasuke Yugentei, who was called the last Taikomochi.
His job was to go with rich guests (men) to Geisha place and entertain them by singing, dancing, joking, laughing and drinking.
His mission is to help the communication between men and women. He had to be a good ice-breaker.
Sometimes, he was a negotiator or a mediator on both sides. For example, when the guest's favorite Geisha was too busy to see the man, he would go home or go to other places. Taikomochi tried to recommend another Geisha to the guest on behalf of Geisha place owner.
In another case, Taikomochi negotiated with the owner for the guest's payment. Taikomochi knew the acceptable price because he went to Geisha places with many guests every night.
That's why Taikomochi was a useful man for both guests and Geisha.
There were aroud 500 Taikomochies in Japan before. However, now, they are less than 5 people. Luckily, I had the chance to watch their performance on the stage in Kinokuniya hall (my company). It was strange to see them on the stage because their performance is for drinking places. But, it was a very rare oppotunity.
I knew there were same kinds of entertainer in Western history. The name is Jester. I have not known the detail of Jester yet, but it is interesting to know we need such a man in our life.
My strong interest in them might come from my concern of communication skill. I strongly believe it is the most important skill for my life these day. Taikomochi is usually looked down but I think I can study something from them.