Now one IT company in Japan try to take over one radio company.
The radio company is a sister company of one big TV company.
Then, if the takeover succeed, the IT company will infulence big media.
The media group with radio, TV, newspaper etc has a strong political
opnion which is very Right.
But the IT company's president is not interested in the opinion.
He said he would rid the media company of political parts.
We are enjoying the battle between new company and old company in
stock market now.
I hook a glass with one publisher this week.
He published many old English literature books before.
Now he is trying to publish an old newspaper, which is the former of
Japan Times.
This newspaper is famous, but nobody in Japan have it completely
from the first volume. Then he thought about republishing it.
I like this kind of challenging publisher.
His policy looks simple. He makes what he likes.
I am not sure he will succeed in the business.
But, anyway, I cheer him.
We drunk two bottles of Syochu.
I think we talked about sales tactics.
But all idea had gone after drinking.
But, anyway, I cheer him.
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