Monday, September 19, 2005

VS 24

The DVDs of American TV Drama "24 season four" was released in Japan recently. It's a problem for me. That is why, on previous three seasons, once I started to watch them, I could not stop.
Now I am very busy for many things. I thought that I shouldn't watch the season four for a while. But, unfortunately, my behavier betrayed my thinking. I have to create 24 hours from busy days. I am not sure I can, but I have to. This is urgent.

When I watch this drama, I can't stop thinking about the difference between American society and Japanese. We can't treat Terrorism in a drama. It means, if we treat Terrorism in a drama, it will lose reality very much. However, American drama can treat it, without losing reality, fortunately or unfortunately.
To be honest, I don't think that 24 is the best drama. It sometimes becomes extreme, to be like a cartoon. But it is very interesting certainly.

Terrorism is a more serious problem in America. But American can change it to good entertainment. I think that it is a good point or a surprising point of America. I think that some countries (for example, North Korea) think they are in danger of "Terrorism" by America. But, I don't think that they can make good entertainment by treating the danger. For them, a serious problem is a serious problem. There is no flexibility there.

Today I watched 4 hours stories. Now is midnight. Time to sleep, but no time for enough sleep. Damme it!

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