I ate smoked horse meat in a Hawaiian bar recently. It made me drink a lot.
I became a rampaging horse then.
For my business, I always talk with the people related to University. Now, University students is decreasing in Japan. So, It is becoming difficult to manage University. Japanese government is preparing for the bankrupt of Universities now.
For Japanese, the bankrupt of Universities is out of image. Actually, for a long time after Warld War II, Universities had just continued to increase. But, in this year, a local University was bankrupt. This is the first case. Most people related to University think the second and third case will come soon.
Large size university has no problem. Such an university is popular, so it is easy to survive. Small size university is also OK. It can easily adjust to the circumstance.
But, middle size university has a problem. In Japan, middle size means the unversity which has about four or five majors. Such an university have to compete with large size university and get many students.
One of my customers is a middle size university. I sometimes talk with the people in the university, about how to survive under the difficult situation.
Of course, I don't have a solution about it. All I can do is to cheer them. "Your students are very polite!" "The collection of your library is great!" " You can look at Mt.Fuji from your campus. It's fantastic!"
It is important to find out good points for the university.
To be unique is the condition for their survival. Actually, now, Japanese government is selective to support Universities. If they don't have any unique point, they wouldn't get the support by the government.
Autumn is the season of University festival. We can check the information easily in an event magazine. I hope I can find unique events in it. Before, I went to an women's university's festival and joined a tea circule's event. I tried a classical tea drinking there. It was too formal for me at that time. But, I enjoyed it.
I think that the university having a good festival can survive in the future, because the festival indicates the power or level of the students.
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