Saturday, April 04, 2009

VS Contemporary Art

Now Cherry blossoms are full. Spring and drinking season have come. It's the season that we feel something new will come. The missile from North Korea is no thank you though..

Due to the feeling of something-new, I went to a museum suddenly one day, even though I am not the person to familier with the art. I watched the exhibition of Japanese contemporary artist, Teppei Kaneuji. I didn't know him at all then, but I could enjoy his many works.

He uses a lot of things we use in our daily life, to create his works. He combines them, and make something new. It's sometimes a patchwork of other artists' work, and sometimes a re-use of toys. His style might be new, but at least for me, it was not surprising, but comfortable. Because his theme, interest, motive or subject is something we have already know. For example, a stain of coffee.
He makes a design by using a lot of stains of coffee. The stains are things we are familier with in our daily life, so we can watch his works feeling close to our life.

I spent much time to watch his animation work, Tower. The work itself has no meaning, I think. But, I could enjoy meaningless time in front of the work. Please jump to the site I link above, if you are interested in it. You can watch the work.
Art is good to make my brain refresh! Now my mood is light. It's good for this new season.

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