The term of "Social Enterprise" is becoming popular in Japan. My company recently arranged a book fair for social enterprises, supported by Keio University. It was a good fair. Like many, I am becoming interested in it.
Yesterday, by chance, I met a person who worked for my company before. Now he is working for an university. His job is now mainly for pubishing books, but he has many other things to do. One of them is to make a scheme to encourage students to start social enterprises. I was inspired by his idea.
Many universities have been trying to establish a new business with enterprises last ten years in Japan. But, most of them were failure. It was ovious that university men were not good at business. Maybe, the mission of universities is not to earn money. Their mission is to contribute to our society. Of course, they have to earn money to keep their organization. But they don't have to be rich.
Social Enterprise is a good category for universities.
Although it is profitable to some extent, its mission is not to be competitive in the market, but to be good for our society. Such kinds of business is fitted to universities.
Now I am using Twitter. Recently a person follows my twitter, and from the person I knew It seems to be a portal site for many social activities. Fmm, interesting. There are so many activities to do good to the world.
Tonight I will join Aeon's summer party. I will do good to others. I will pour beer into others' glass. My social contribution will start with the small first step.
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