Sunday, September 25, 2005

VS Japanese Emperor

Maybe, it is a theme that most Japanese don't want to treat seriously.
Actually J.E. is sometimes a controversial existence.
Now, in Japanese government, it is a big issue whether to permit a woman to be an emperor or not. Ah, don't say "Stupid." Some of us think about it seriously.

Japanese long history can be roughly divided into two; Samurai's governance eras and Emperor's governance earas. Sometimes Samurai had a power in Japan. Sometimes Emperor governed Japan by the religious power.
Edo period was the longest eara in Japanese history, which was governed by Samurai,from 1603 to 1867. During this period, Japanese emperor still had a kind of authority. Even Samurai respect him formally. But he didn't any power in politics.
When modern Japan strated after Edo period, J.E. got a power again. That is why people thought he deserves our leader. Under his leadership, we made a modern government. But, soon, the power of army had influenced the government strongly until the world war II.

Recently, a book for Japanese Emperor is published. It is a collection of many documents written by J.E. family and relatives, from ancient to modern.
Japanese government owned the documents, but didn't make them open for a long time. But, a publisher had negotiated with the government. At last, they becomes published. This book will have a big impact on the historical study of Japan. Because, especially after Edo period, Japanese history was written by Samurai-side. They were in the center of Japanese governance. Their documents are important. However, we guess they have a bias. So, historians waited for the publication of Emperor-side information. In this autumn, it is my first priority to sell the book.


Lance said...

Empress. What is the big deal? There have been empresses in Japan before. It is a history that is part of this country. I haven't been told why people are fighting against there being an empress. If anyone can tell me, please do so.


In Japanese history, the battle inside Emperor's family often happened; who is the next leader?
Now, there is no battle. The rule to decide who the next is, is clear. The oldest son of the emperor becomes the next leader. This rule was not good for an equality between men and women , but good for avoiding the battle inside the family. People might have prefered peace to equality.

By the way, to Atusgi citizen, Starbucks in Hon-Atsugi was closed yesterday. This city looks to become smaller and smaller.......

Mike said...

I must have the book of the Emperor's letters. i think it is very interesting. can you translate to english? please try. it is good practice for you.

i can understand why people do not want an empress. Emperor is tradition. Tradition is safe. Safe is good. then Emperor is good. But Empress is change. Change is neccessary. We must learn to change with the times. Bob Dylan says 'the waters are rising all around you, you better learn to swim or you'll sink like a stone. cause the time they are a'changing.'

Besides, having an Empress is not such a big change. We all have mothers, neh?


Hey Mike, it's a taugh work for me to translate the Emperor's letters into English. Because they are written by ancient Japanese, which is difficult for modern Japanese to understand! I have to study ancient Japanese first!

From your email, I know you enjoyed a new type of Shochu. Be careful. The alcohol is not weak!

Lance said...

Starbucks has closed in Hon Atsugi? I'm shocked!!!

KOJI OISHI said...

Yeah, me too. last Monday, I wanted to go to Starbucks with Akio. But, it had already passed away. We had no alternative but to go to Tully's.