Sunday, October 17, 2010

VS Digestive Disese

Japan Digestive Disease Week (JDDW) had been held in Yokohama last week. It is one of the largest conference for medical doctors in Japan. My company opened a book store there.
The store opened from eight o'clock. So, to prepare for many things, I had to get up at five o'clock. Usually it is my sleeping deeply time. Then, my body condition during the conference was very bad.
Why did my company opened the store everyday so early? Because doctors are very busy, they started their meeting from early morning. At breakfast time, lunch time and dinner time, they had many meetings. That's why we had to start to work from early morning along with them.
Even though my mooring was early, my night was same. After hard working, my body requires for liquer heeling. So, next early morning, I had to get up with more damaged body.

The study of Digestive Disease in Japan is developed the most in the world. I don't know the reason. Maybe we Japanese have week digestive organs, or we tend to eat and drink manta types of food, thus we have many digestive diseases.
Anyway, because the study in Japan is the highest, we can sell only Japanese books. Of course, my company displayed many foreign books there, but I couldn't see the scene that the books were bought.

As you know, doctors are rich. Their shopping style was good for me. They wouldn't check price tags. For they are busy, their decision making for buying is very fast. And, usually medical books are expensive. I have to add that their credit card is always sparkling.

Next year, this conference is going to be held in Fukuoka. Around 20 thousands doctors will join it. I have to arrange my business trip.

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