Tuesday, December 23, 2008

VS Year End

It's the peak of year end parties now in Japan. Shibuya on last weekend was filled with more people. I had a year end party with my coworkers in a crowded restaurant. 20 people shared a table for 15. The unmovable condition could make our relationship tight. It was a good party.
This month, I have many year end parties. Although I don't arrange the parties, many people ask me to have a drink to celebrate the end of this year.
Why do we celebrate it so much?
To be correct, we don't celebrate. We try to forget it.
Year end party is "Bounenkai" in Japanese. The meaning is the gathering for forgetting the year.

I got a Christmas card recently. It says "Merry Christmas, and a happy new year." For the west, The end of this year and the beginning of that new year are seamless. But, for Japanese, it is important to decide the end, to forget the past.
After the Christmas day, we try to clean up everything about Christmas, and prepare for the coming new year. Christmas tree in a town has gone to somewhere. We might look to try to forget the existence of the Christmas.

For Christmas party, this year's party in Aeon was held in the school. It was a nice idea. In this season, all restaurant are crowded and noizy. If we don't refuse to clean up the room after the party, the school is the good place to have a party.
Aeon staff prepared for foods, and we brougt the drinks by ourselves.
I think we had better bring something we can share, for example the bottle of wine, in this kind of party. But, many brought the drinks for themselves. It was okey, but we had better a little know what the party is for.

Back to year end parties, I don't have anything I have to forget. Maybe because this year was the good one for me. Or, everyday's day end parties make me forget everything? I hope it's not true.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

VS Microfilm

Most people might have no oppotunity to use microfilms. But, for book-salesmen, they are one of the comodities to sell. A huge numer of books, journals and manuscripts are made microfilms, by publishers or libraries.
To read microfilms, we need a special machine, Microfilm reader. Most people don't have such a machine. That's why we don't have the chance to read microfilms.

Recently, I sold two microflms to my customers.
One is the big collection of Japanese newspapers published from 1945 to 1949. During this periods, GHQ had collected all publications in Japan. And, University of Maryland preserved them in their library.
Now, the newspapers are made microfilms by American company, and we can buy it.
But! The price is very high.
Instead of the microfilms, we can buy a house in Tokyo!
Because an university really really wants them, I sold them. Tokyo lost one house.

Another customer will buy the microfilms of many manuscripts in Arabic countries. This microfilms are not as expensive as the collection of Japanese newspapers. But, the price is as same as the house in Atsugi.
I think the value of the Arabic microfilms is higher. Because, there are no libraries or institutes with them in Japan.
Because my company opened a new shop in Dubai, it might be becoming popular to study Arabic culture in Japan.
Anyway, Atsugi lost one house.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

VS Surfer Tetsu

The surfer sergeant Tetsu, around 45, was a professional surfing trainer based on Enoshima beach. Recently he quited his job, and went to Italy to know modern Italian cuisine. He will start Italian restaurant business next year.

When I surfed for the first time, I learned it from him. I joined a surfing school, and got his lesson. The keeping my balance on a board was very difficult for me then, but it is an easy job now. Long time has passed since then.

I heard that he was a chef before. He will come back to his old job. I thought the restaurant business is very very taugh now because of economical recession. But fortunately he seems to have a good sponsor. I hope of his success.

During summer time, many people come to Enoshima beach, but in other seasons, the beach is calm. His new restaurant might bring more people there.