Sunday, September 25, 2005

VS Japanese Emperor

Maybe, it is a theme that most Japanese don't want to treat seriously.
Actually J.E. is sometimes a controversial existence.
Now, in Japanese government, it is a big issue whether to permit a woman to be an emperor or not. Ah, don't say "Stupid." Some of us think about it seriously.

Japanese long history can be roughly divided into two; Samurai's governance eras and Emperor's governance earas. Sometimes Samurai had a power in Japan. Sometimes Emperor governed Japan by the religious power.
Edo period was the longest eara in Japanese history, which was governed by Samurai,from 1603 to 1867. During this period, Japanese emperor still had a kind of authority. Even Samurai respect him formally. But he didn't any power in politics.
When modern Japan strated after Edo period, J.E. got a power again. That is why people thought he deserves our leader. Under his leadership, we made a modern government. But, soon, the power of army had influenced the government strongly until the world war II.

Recently, a book for Japanese Emperor is published. It is a collection of many documents written by J.E. family and relatives, from ancient to modern.
Japanese government owned the documents, but didn't make them open for a long time. But, a publisher had negotiated with the government. At last, they becomes published. This book will have a big impact on the historical study of Japan. Because, especially after Edo period, Japanese history was written by Samurai-side. They were in the center of Japanese governance. Their documents are important. However, we guess they have a bias. So, historians waited for the publication of Emperor-side information. In this autumn, it is my first priority to sell the book.

Monday, September 19, 2005

VS 24

The DVDs of American TV Drama "24 season four" was released in Japan recently. It's a problem for me. That is why, on previous three seasons, once I started to watch them, I could not stop.
Now I am very busy for many things. I thought that I shouldn't watch the season four for a while. But, unfortunately, my behavier betrayed my thinking. I have to create 24 hours from busy days. I am not sure I can, but I have to. This is urgent.

When I watch this drama, I can't stop thinking about the difference between American society and Japanese. We can't treat Terrorism in a drama. It means, if we treat Terrorism in a drama, it will lose reality very much. However, American drama can treat it, without losing reality, fortunately or unfortunately.
To be honest, I don't think that 24 is the best drama. It sometimes becomes extreme, to be like a cartoon. But it is very interesting certainly.

Terrorism is a more serious problem in America. But American can change it to good entertainment. I think that it is a good point or a surprising point of America. I think that some countries (for example, North Korea) think they are in danger of "Terrorism" by America. But, I don't think that they can make good entertainment by treating the danger. For them, a serious problem is a serious problem. There is no flexibility there.

Today I watched 4 hours stories. Now is midnight. Time to sleep, but no time for enough sleep. Damme it!

Monday, September 12, 2005

VS Tsukuba Express

Today I went to vote.
We had to choose a new government. And, we know now that LDP wins very much.
Everybody is surprised at this result. Nobady thougt that LDP is so strong.
Next government would maneuver this country very strongly.
Where will Japan go? I have no idea.

I went to Tsukuba last week. I used Tsukuba Express.
The line is new. It started at the end of last month. It connects Akihabara in Tokyo ,to Tsukuba in Ibaraki pref. It's very convenient. It takes 45 minutes from Akihabara to Tsukuba. It's not far.

Akihabara is famous for many electric equipments stores. And also, it is famous as Otaku culture city. The city is filled with Animation, Manga, Game, Computer ,CG and so on.
For me, this city is memorial for good curry and rice restaurants.
Now this city is very internatinal. Many foreigners come there to buy electric equipments.

Tsukuba was originally a local city, but now is the city for scientists. There are many kinds of laboratories there. Recently a Japanese technician living there went to the space.
And, many foreign scientists are working there. So, Tsukuba is now an international city too.
My favorite Aussie bar is there. On this time, I went to the bar and ate a kangaroo steak there.

Otaku city and Scientist city are related by the express. It's an interesting rink.
And, there is Asakusa, an old area in Tokyo, on the line. So, we can enjoy Japanese old culture and foods there. I think that the best point of the line is a variety of the stops. Now most of stops are rural, but they are growing. I love a growing city.

By the way, Japan will be a growing country? I hope she will be so.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

VS China Town

Yokohama city has the biggest China town in Japan.
Chinese people or Chinese-Japanese manages Chinese restaurants there.
When I go there, I become happy. Because I like chinese foods and culture.

I had a dinner with my colleages there last weekend.
We went to a Sichuan-style restaurant(Sisen-style in Japanese), Kyokarou.
I like the taste in the restaurant. Sichuan-style chinese food is spicy and hot. My favorite is a baked chicken with chili. It's so great. Chili-mountain is on a dish. And, I dig the mountain and find the pieces of chincken with bone. It has an amazing taste.
I drunk three bottles of Chinese sake with my colleages there. The spicy foods are fitted to it.
It reminded me of my China trip this year. I enjoyed a spicy Chinese food restaurant twice at that time.

Compared with real China, the service in China town is better.
Especially, the restaurant I went to was very good. The owner was very kind and friendly. So, I think I will go there soon again.
Of courese, the price is higher than real China. I paid 9000 yen there. By this price, I can go to dinner nine times in China. But it is OK. It is a necessary cost for me to enjoy real Chinese food in Japan.

Now I am thinking about going to China again in this November.
It is the best season for Shangahi Crab. The crab is small. But, if I eat it in Japan, the price of a crub is about 3000 yen. It's too expensive! But, not in China. I can eat it till I become satisfied.
Next time in China, I wanna communicate with Chinese people in Chinese language.
In the restaurant in China town, I learned Chinese a little from the staff. I enjoyed it.
When I was a student, it was not popular to learn Chinese. But, now it is a second-popular language to learn in Japan. So, I can have many chances to study it. It's very nice for me.

Going back to Kyokarou, the noodle is very original. It is thick and cut by a sword. I didn't try it last time, but it must be a strong noodle. I will try it next time.
And in winter season, we can eat very very very hot Nabe there. The soup is red and spicy. I enjoyed the Nabe in Peking four years ago., but I was damaged by it!
I have to revenge it this winter.

Friday, September 02, 2005

VS Diary

Recently I am keeping a diary.
This is why I read a Japanese book about a diary, which titile is "The magical power of Diary".
I am influenced by it very much, so I started to keep a diary.

The author says, we don't have to write our impression of daily things in a diary, but we should write the fact or the action or the behavier of ourselves everyday.
And, a more important thing is that we should READ the diary later.
Therefore, we can understand ourselves more.
The auhtor says again, we don't have to write our impression ,our idea or our opinion in a diary.
Because, when we write such a thing, we tend to make ourselves more beautiful. In other words, we tend to make a self-image, which is different from ourselves.
If the purpose of keeping a diary is to understand ourselves more, we should write ourselves as we are.

I was impressed by the book, and I decided to keep a diary.
At first, I thought this blog can be my diary, but I changed my mind soon. Because, in general, the blog like a diary is not interesting for public. I think that a blog is a new publication, so when we write it, we had better make it public to some extent.
It means we have to create something in a blog.
But a diary doesn't want creativity. It wants Facts only.
So, I keep a diary in addition to this blog.

7:00 AM I woke up. I dreamed.....
9:00 AM I went to my office. My boss got angry with me because....
0:00 PM I went lunch with my co-worker. She is interesting and ....
2:00 PM I negotiated with a customer about the price of the books. But I failed....
4:00 PM I called a restaurant to reserve tonight's business dinner.
5:00 PM I got an email from a customer. This was urgent because...
7:00 PM I left my office and went to dinner with my business partner.
9:00 PM I didn't concentrate on business topic ,because of alcohol.

My diary is like this.
I think this acumulatiuon will be interesting and useful, of course only for me.