Sunday, October 26, 2008

VS Strong Yen

While I enjoy some drinking oppotunities, like Hallowen party, and am relaxed this month, I am spending busy days because my business is at one of the peaks in a business year.
I have to contract my customers for import many things from foreign countries.
Just importing is an easy job. But, always, the job is set with price negotiation. As my friends know well, I am a taugh negotiater, but talking about price is certainly annoying even for me.
In my situation, recent strong yen is the main factor of controversy. A month ago, $1 was around 107 yen. But now it's about 95 yen. And last week, it was 90 yen for a short period. In this monetary situation, pricing of imported commodities is very very difficult.
Because I am not trader, but just a book salesman, I am a completely amateur for international money. In addition, and to be worse, my customer is an amateur too. So, our negotiation can't reach the reasonable goal at all. It is a stressful situation.
But I am lucky because I have many drinking oppotunities this month as I wrote above. They softens my tension very well.

For Natto lover Mike, I want to export Natto to the States, but it must be a bad timing now. The cheap food in Japan becomes a very expensive one for celebrity in US. Constructing Natto factory there may be a good solution at this moment.

Monday, October 13, 2008

VS Bug Eating

The topic of the discussion class in Aeon last week was Bug Eating. An article in Japan Times introdued a recent pulished Japanese book about bug cuisine. Based on the article, we discussed about the theme.

This author says that Bug is nutritionally balanced and easy to feed. So, Bug eating can solves the global food shortage. In addition, he says Bug itself is very tasty. Fro him, the taste of Cicadas(Semi, in Japanese) is similar to shrimps.
In the book, he shows us many kinds of his original bug cuisine.

Actually, in some areas and coutries in the world (mainly Asia and Africa), Bug is eaten by the people. Even in Japan, Bug is eaten in some local foods. I also have eaten it in my childhood. The taste? Honestly, for young boy, it was shit! I haven't tried it after that.

However, I can respect the auther's investigation. To make our food life rich, somebody have to explore the world nobody have stood on. For example, Natto is one of the grotesque food in Japan, but now it is popular to the extent taht we can buy it in any super market. Due to an old Japanese challange, we can enjoy it now.
That's why the auther's trial mught be able to deserve Novel Food Prize.

But, to be honest, I am skeptical to the safety of Bug Eating. Even dogs and cats wouldn't eat bugs. If bug is tasty and good for our health, why don't they eat it? Maybe, there is a natural reason there. This author thinks we have't eaten Bugs for our prejudice. But, because dogs and cats are free from prejudice, we had better think of Bug Eating more carefully.

VS Presidential Election

American is funny. While their Presidential Election itseif looks an entertainment, they make related new entertainments too. This site Lance taught me is one of the good examples.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

VS Octoberfest 2008

The most popular German beer festival, Octoberfest, started in Yokohama last week! As a beer lover, I can't miss the event. I went to Yokohama last weekend.
I reported about this event in this blog last year. It was my first time to join Octoberfest. It was a fantastic experience.
This year, I went there again, to know the character of German beer and festival more.

Following German trend, I started with white beer. The bitter of hop is weak, and you can feel fruity and a little milky. After enjoying it, German pilsner and black continued. Needless to say, they all have a great taste. I enjoyed them very much.

Not only beer but also German music is enjoyment in the event. A German local music group comes to Yokohama for the event. Their music pushes us to more beer! The song for cheers is the climax of this event. Exerybody sang this song;

Ein Prosit der Gemutelichkeit

Eine Prosit Eine Prosit Der Gemutelichkeit.

Eine Prosit Eine Prosit Der Gemutelichkeit.

Eine! Zwei! Drei! G'suffa! Prost!

( Cheers for comfortment.

Cheers Cheers the comfortment.

Cheers Cheers the comfortment.

One! Two! Three! Drink! Cheers!)

Many people stand on the chairs and say "Prost!". And, of course, drink! We can feel a strong unity at the moment.
I was told by a doctor not to drink too much in my health check. But, when facing a beer event, nobody can be allowed to escape from it. I have to say "Prost!" tomorrow again...

Sunday, October 05, 2008

VS Proposal

My friend, Hideto, is thinking that he makes a proposal to his girl friend. He met her in July, and soon seemed to think the girl must be his future wife.
He asked me where he should make a proposal?
It was an unexpected question for me because I had thought anywhere is ok. So, when listenning to him at first, I couldn't give him any good answer.
And now, I think the question was not valid to ask me, because I am single.

Anywho, next day, I asked the question to some female coworkers; Where do you want to have a proposal?
I had better change the way to live. "Anywhere" was not women's answer. They have some ideal images for their getting a proposal.
They said that it should be on the beach or in the room. And they add that it have to be after five PM.
The word of proposal might have to be delivered on time by Fedex.

On the other hand, the two men I asked where you made a proposal to your wife, have already forgotton the place at all. "Somewhere" was their answer. Of course, it is a bad answer for their wives.
I hope Hideto can find where he can't forget the location.