Sunday, October 26, 2008

VS Strong Yen

While I enjoy some drinking oppotunities, like Hallowen party, and am relaxed this month, I am spending busy days because my business is at one of the peaks in a business year.
I have to contract my customers for import many things from foreign countries.
Just importing is an easy job. But, always, the job is set with price negotiation. As my friends know well, I am a taugh negotiater, but talking about price is certainly annoying even for me.
In my situation, recent strong yen is the main factor of controversy. A month ago, $1 was around 107 yen. But now it's about 95 yen. And last week, it was 90 yen for a short period. In this monetary situation, pricing of imported commodities is very very difficult.
Because I am not trader, but just a book salesman, I am a completely amateur for international money. In addition, and to be worse, my customer is an amateur too. So, our negotiation can't reach the reasonable goal at all. It is a stressful situation.
But I am lucky because I have many drinking oppotunities this month as I wrote above. They softens my tension very well.

For Natto lover Mike, I want to export Natto to the States, but it must be a bad timing now. The cheap food in Japan becomes a very expensive one for celebrity in US. Constructing Natto factory there may be a good solution at this moment.


Mike said...

i think i can have a natto factory in my apartment. natto is pretty small, so i don't think i need so much room, just a small dark place for the soy beans to become delicious natto. another japanese food i greatly miss, especially as autumn comes, is oden. oh goodness! oden! do you remember eating oden with me and drinking a beer in Hattoppoppo-koen? those are some of my fondest memories. and who knows? with the economy the way it is, i might have to go back to teaching english! that'd be great! natto and oden to my heart's content!


Mike, I am proud of my borning in the country with Natto. It is a great food for our life.
And, Oden! It is the best seasonal food in Japan's autumn and winter. It was certainly good for our drinking in a park.

KOJI OISHI said...

How have you been? But some people suffer from the smell and never eat them, like me. Koji.