Monday, September 21, 2009

VS Soy Sauce

I went to KInokuniya in Shinjyuku with my friends. Now university goods fair is held there. We browsed many goods there.
The fair is named Gaku-ichi Gaku-za. This name comes from a word in Japanese history, Raku-ichi Raku-za.
Raku means "free" and Ichi is "market". And Za means normally "gathering place" but historically it had the meaning of exclusive economical communities.
So, Raku-ichi Raku-za means Free market and Free from exclusion. The word was used from 16C to 18C in Japan.

Now the famous word in Japanese history is changed a little to name a bookstore's fair. Gaku means "study". So, maybe, Gaku-ich Gaku-za means "Study the market. Study the gathering place." And maybe it means "Study Universities." Or, it can have no meaning.

I bought soy sauces made by some universities. One is made of blowfish(Fugu or Fuku in Japanese). I don't know how to make fish soy sauce. Maybe it's a result of the study of fish in an university. I wanted to buy soy sauce of sea urchin(Uni in Japanese). But it was out of stock.
And, I bought vinegar made of sweet potato. I have not tasted it yet. I can't image the taste.

The studies in universities are interesting. Although I am not sure the studies make our society progress, I think they can make our daily life interesting.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

VS Something

Long time no post!
Now, the new Japanese government starts. Because the governments new policies are too agressive, many Japanese think they are impossible. But, at least, we are excited.

The sound of "Change" is similar to "Challange". (You don't think so? My ears think so.) I am not sure that the government's attempt to change will be success. Only I can do is to enjoy their challange together.

This summer, I was too busy. I had helped a woman challange a new business for a few months. The business was related to privatization of Japan's public sector. Maybe you think it sounds difficult. Yes. It is too difficult! So, we were too busy.
When I am busy, I tend to drink and eat a lot.
That's why my weight is now going up!
From today, I eat Tofu only. Weight controll is sometimes important.

Time to go. This is a short post.