Monday, September 21, 2009

VS Soy Sauce

I went to KInokuniya in Shinjyuku with my friends. Now university goods fair is held there. We browsed many goods there.
The fair is named Gaku-ichi Gaku-za. This name comes from a word in Japanese history, Raku-ichi Raku-za.
Raku means "free" and Ichi is "market". And Za means normally "gathering place" but historically it had the meaning of exclusive economical communities.
So, Raku-ichi Raku-za means Free market and Free from exclusion. The word was used from 16C to 18C in Japan.

Now the famous word in Japanese history is changed a little to name a bookstore's fair. Gaku means "study". So, maybe, Gaku-ich Gaku-za means "Study the market. Study the gathering place." And maybe it means "Study Universities." Or, it can have no meaning.

I bought soy sauces made by some universities. One is made of blowfish(Fugu or Fuku in Japanese). I don't know how to make fish soy sauce. Maybe it's a result of the study of fish in an university. I wanted to buy soy sauce of sea urchin(Uni in Japanese). But it was out of stock.
And, I bought vinegar made of sweet potato. I have not tasted it yet. I can't image the taste.

The studies in universities are interesting. Although I am not sure the studies make our society progress, I think they can make our daily life interesting.

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