Sunday, January 22, 2017

VS Inaugral Address

2017. This year is a memorial year for several events.
It must be a little maniac but 200 years have passed since Ricado's Comparative Cost Theory was established. This theory continued to support international free trades.
100 years has passed from Russian Revolution. When Soviet Union collapsed last century, we thought West won to get winners' rosy future.
For Japanese history, 150 years has passed since it finished being a closed coutry. After opening the door to the world, it became a developed country.
We had thought the number of open and free countries would increase naturally.

When listening to and reading the new American president's inaugural address, I was surprised at the narrow concern to the world. The perspective is closed and domestic. "America first" He said. But I understand he says "America only". I expect the tasks for the first are NOT finished forever. Thus, he can't consider the second, the third and so on. So, America first means America only.

8 years ago, when listening to Obama's inaugural address, I was impressed very much even though he was not my country's leader. Why? His speech reached non-American. It was open to the world. But Trump's speech doesn't. Honestly, I felt we are listening to a monologue.

As many people are pointing out, the emerge of President Trump comes from globalization and its failure dividing social classes. From the viewpoint, Trump might be just a catalytic phenomena before making a new world. Some say ironically we welcome Trump. The problem is not Trump but our world bearing the President. He is not a program error but a correct ouput from the program. We must fix the program now. It must be a true interpretation.

Outside the border, let's continue to say "We will make the WORLD great again." The WORLD is bigger than America. I hope God bless America, but he wouldn't say America first.

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