Sunday, April 17, 2005

VS Shanghai(2)

During my stop writing this blog, the relationship between China and Japan becomes worse.
Many chinese people blame for Japan and throw stones or ink to Japanese embassy.
The Chinese people I met last month in Shanghai were friendly and kind.
Then I forgot the deep scar between two countries at the time.
But now I seem to remember it.

News commentators says on TV "China has many problems inside. For example, unemployment, poverty, too rich calss and so on. Then the goverment want people to look outside. Japan is made Scapegoat by them!"
Hmm, I am not sure if such an interpretation is right or not.
This kind of interpretation became common when the Korean president officially blamed for Japan recently.

We should understand too self-defensive opinion is uncool.
Certainly some people's opinion may be extreme and based on wrong information, but some people's is serious and important. To it, Japanese have to respond seriously.

However I don't know Chinese people want serious response from Japan.
If they want, their anger power should ride on official route.
Through government channel, they should blame for Japan officially.
Throwing stones and ink is only performance.
It is useful for breaking frustration but it's difficult to get anything from it.
People's anger moves their goverment. And the goverment officially requires something to another country. This means Democracy is working very well.

Again, News commentators think Chinese people's anger is controlled or made.
Then most Japanese don't react seriously.
I think now their anger is not organized.
Their anger should be organaized to be a social power, which can move thier government and give a serious request to Japan.
If China and Japan can battle seriously about some unfinished issues on official level, it is nice to understand each other.
Our problem is unsufficiency of fight.
If I were Chinese, I throw storns to Japanese embassy and Chinese government.

1 comment:


I can easily hate individuals.
But It's difficult for me to hate the category indivisuals belong to.
It requires me for too abstract thinking.
How can we love or hate category?
We need the help of strong imagination for it.
Imagination is very important.
Some people believe there is something precious in Yasukuni shrine.
Some people believe something will happen after breaking Japanese restaurant.
These are products by our honorable imagination.