Saturday, May 31, 2008

VS Marriage Blue

One of my best friends, named Mr. Mad Dog, is going to be chained tomorrow in Tokyo. I had thought nobody can chain the dog because he loves freedom, but he found out his owner at last. He will get married soon.
For looking at his last figure as a single dog, we drunk together a week ago. Like any other dogs before being chained at dinner time after taking a walk and enjoying their free time, he looked nervous then. It might be what we call Marriage Blue. He taught me the importance of patience. He must be very patient at this moment.
But anyway, he found his best owner. Because I know the owner, I can say the dog will become stronger. The mad dog controlled by a smart owner has no enemy. So, I can say conguratulation from the bottom of my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent points and the details are more specific than somewhere else, thanks.

- Murk