Saturday, September 20, 2008

VS Bocce Ball

Bocce Ball is a outdoor game with which most of Japanese are unfamilier. I played it with Scott, Peter and others last weekend. In a park on a sunny day, it is good for our relaxing. We can enjoy the game even with drinking beer.

Bocce Ball uses a small white ball like a golf ball, and some pairs of colorful balls bigger than the white ball.
This game is like golf or carling. At first, one player throw the white ball in the field. It should be thrown far, to make the game exciting.

The thrown white ball becomes our target. Players throw their colorful balls to the target, the white ball.
The player who can throw the colorful ball to the point closest to the white ball, can get a score. Each player have two same color ball, and if the two balls are closer to the white ball than any other player's balls, then you can get two scores!

If your cotrol of the balls could be excellent, and your ball could be on the white ball, Congratullation! In that case, you can get additional two scores.

Next round starts with the white ball again. Somebody(usually, loser in the last round) throws the white ball to the direction he likes. Toward the new target, we start to throw our ball again.

When the playing field is a large park, the game is like a travel. We will move from the end of the park to the another end. Needless to say, it is better that Beer and Food wil follow the white ball with us.


Mike said...

Bocce Ball is a very relaxing game. It's like golf, but more fun because there is not so much walking and it's much easier. I hope you got some delicious yaki-tori afterwards. I think yaki-tori is a great post-bocce food.


Yaki-tori after Bocce is a good idea, Mike. Actually I drunk Sake and ate Sashimi with Peter and Scott, after the game. In addition, our climax was Ramen to finish the day! It was great.

Mike said...

i have a great idea. it's not actually my idea, someone already did it. But the idea is this: have a bar with a bocce court inside or in the back, so that you can sell alcohol to the persons playing bocce ball, and people can come to watch. This is such a great idea, i think it could only have come from the living genius Tadahisa.