Tuesday, August 09, 2005

VS Wake

I went to a wake of my colleague's father. He was 82 years old.I didn't know the English word "wake" until now.Because I was not sure if foreign people have any event on the night before a funeral.Now I found the word "wake" in a dictionary.But still now I am not sure if the event "wake" is common or not in foreign countries.

A wake is common in Japan.I didn't have any private relationship with my colleague's father, but we think it is polite to
go to the wake, so I and other colleagues participated in the event.The wake was Buddhist style. We listened to Buddhist priests, and prayed.After that, we were introduced to another room.In the room, many foods and many drinks were prepared.We can have a party there. It is popular in Japanese wake. I don't know a correct reason, but Japanese people think it is a good thing to drink and eat with a dead body. Some people was crying for a sadness, but some people was laughing with drunk.
This contrast might look strange and confusing. But we think it is OK in Japan.

When we go home after a wake, we put a little bit of salt on ourselves. We think the salt clean
us. We think we become dirty in a wake, thus we think we have to clean ourselves.
But sometimes drunk person forget the cleaning event. In that case, we see Sake has a same cleaning power. So the drunk person can escape from dirtiness. This is an important excuse for me.


Lance said...


Wakes are common in the west. I've never been to one, as I've never even been to a funeral, but they are common.

I didn't know about the salt, but I think sake will do the same, just from the inside out.

In the event I pass on to the the other side, please have a party for me and laugh with drunkeness and eat good food. I think it's important to celebrate life and not be selfish and wish the person had not passed. Celebrate and enjoy!

Mike said...

Hello Akio,

I have been to a few wakes and funerals. The wake is usually a really sad time, people come to see the dead body and pray for them. Then, after is the funeral. after that is the party. the party i think is also called the wake? i dont know. but it is fun. usually there is heavy drinking and some eating. anyway. i think people around the world have same idea for ceremony of dead people. it's universal


Hey Lance and Mike, thank you for your comment.
One of my purpose to study English is to understand different culture. Your comment is very helpful for me.
By the way, now I am in Okayama. I am visiting Scott's house. This place is a typical local area in Japan. It is very nice. I am enjoying drinking and Karaoking here!
How about your summer vacation?