Saturday, August 16, 2008

VS Watching Olympic

I had stayed in Kyoto, my hometown, for five days as my summer holidays. I had no special plan there, so I watched Olympic games on TV very much. TV is rare in my life because I don't have TV in my house. That's why I could enjoy watching Olympic very much.
To be honest, I was not interested in the Olympic in China before it started. I had more interest in the political issues in China. However, many athletes' great performance captured my heart. I watched swimming, soccer, ping pong, jyudo, soft ball, baseball, badminton, valley ball, horse riding, and so on.
I used almost all time in Kyoto to watch the games on TV.

This time, Jyudo looked like a different sport for me. Or, it might have became a diffrent type of sport. It is now like a wrestling.
When I can throw a person beautifully in Jyudo, I can get IPPON and win. I thought the throwing-beautifully is the most important factor in Jyudo. But, from my viewpoint, there were not many beautiful arts in this Olympic. Getting socres to win looked to have more priority for most athletes than winning beautiful. Jyudo style seems to be changing.

Even though most of Japanese are enjoying watching Olympic games now, the former prime minister Jyunichiro Koizumi had played bowlling with his friends. He told us on TV that bowlling should be played in Olympic. He is still a strange man.

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