Saturday, November 29, 2008

VS Noge

I went to Pacifico Yokohama to watch a exhibition for librarians this week. Not only librarians but also book-salesmen were interested in the exhibition.
After that, I visited Noge area for drinking.

Noge is an old-fashioned area in Yokohama. It was the great night sopt before, but now many popular places emerges in Yokohama. Noge has became unpopular. In addition, the area's image became bad due to the existence of many prostitues around there.
But recently, some people in Yokohama is trying to change the area's image. They invites young film makers there to make the area cultural.

At the night, I went to an old drinking place (60 year old) with my coworkers. I drunk hot sake with the fin of globefish, Hirezake in Japanese. Thanks to either the alchool or the poison, I was drunk very much. After the place, we moved to a pub where only one grandmother is working. We ordered Whisky, but she refused it and made Shochu for us. We were a little hungry, so ordered spagetti, but she rufused again. She didn't want to cook then, so she brought a meal for her dinner to us. We thought we were in our house.

Noge is the area you have to visit.

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