Tuesday, August 15, 2006

VS Sydney(2)

I visited a typical Australian home one day.
When I came into the house, I was comfused; whether I should take my shoes off or not? Because, in the house, the sons and a daughter didn't put shoes on, but the parent did. I couldn't the shoes rule in the house soon.
So, I asked them what to do with my shoes.
The answer was clear. "It's up to you."

This episode was the impressive one for me to understand Australia, and maybe the countries like Australia.
As we know, Australia is the country that many immigrants come together. So, the society is very multi-cultural. It has British culture, Italian, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean and so on. Each person has a very different and unique backgraund. This cultural variety makes Australia attractive.
On the other hand, therefore, it looks difficult to share the same sense of value there.
As we know better, many conflicts can easily happen among the people with the diffrent sense of value.
But, Australian people has a good wisdom to escape from such a problem. "Up to you" is their culture.
They don't mind others too much.
Thus, I could be relaxed in Sydney very much. More relaxed in Japan, I think.
Of course, it doesn't mean they don't care for others. In fact, they are very friendly and easy-going.

Japanese and other Aisan countries' cultures seem to be diffrent from Australia.
Our culture is also internationalized to some extent, but still domestic.
The culture in Asia is a mosaic. Japan is Japan. China is China. Korea is. India is....
We might say that it is also a good point for Asia. But, it sometimes makes us to understand each other.

(To be continued)

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